Fiduciary Oversight


As independent third party advisers to an ownership entity (GP, LP, Private Equity, Estate, Family Owned, etc.), we provide an unbiased and fiduciary role to analyze, advise and implement prudent strategies for a given asset.

Evaluation and Hiring of Best-in-Class Service Providers:
Architects, Contractors, Cleaning Services, Leasing Teams, Property Managers, etc.

Budget Creation and Management:
Taking into account current local market factors, occupancy situations, ROI expectations, and Exit scenarios

On-Going Assessment:
Monthly Reports to stakeholders detailing progress and short-falls which need to be addressed

Expense Analysis and Cost Controls:
Ongoing evaluation and analysis of capital flowing into and out of and asset.
Maintaining oversight on the asset’s overall objectives for the ownership structure both short-term and long-term (ROI, ROE, CAP RATE, Refinancing, etc.)